08 January 2008

[art, x_pdx] The Year of Stan #5, 6, and 7

1235. I've been remiss in not keeping up with Stan. He has three more from the last time; he's 1/52nd of the way through his year of kickstarting his creativity, and his results are strong so far. He's also got this wry humor going on which I'm really enjoying.

Here's number four ... which could be subtitled a new business model for private vocational schools:

I hope it doesn't expect exact change. The VMRS track suit is a nice touch.

Next, a hiddent chapter of the natural history of the American west:

And, finally, in case you ever wanted to know what this aphorism meant:

The cool thing about Stan taking care of his own perception of needing to jump start his creativity is that we all get to enjoy it. Stan's 366 Days of Creativity Flickr album is here.

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stan said...

I am honored that you have featured my work every day so far, Sam. I'm also glad you are enjoying the panel gags! (I'll admit, I like reading your commentary on each gag.)

Samuel John Klein said...

Seriously, I like what you've been doing with this. It takes a bit of courage to just come up with a gag and execute it this way; when the point of the thing is just to produce something, some things are better than the others. But it's all very fearless.

I've noticed you've gotten technically better in just the few frames you've already done. Convincing use of color.

You also place touches of the absurd in there that work. Anyone else might have been satisfied, for instance, with a Vending Machine Repair School student plugging coins in the tuition machine. With the subtle touch of clothing the student in a complete VMRS track suit - pants as well as shirt - it kicks the visual joke to the next level, putting it in kind of this little pocket universe where something like that might be commonplace. This enhances the joke.

I really am inspired by what you're doing. Definitely keep this up.