As though the experiences in the last posting weren't memorable enough, there were two others and I can't quite comprehend how I forgot to mention them, so I'll make up for that remission here and now.
Brett Carville is a rather affable fellow who lives here in Portland and works at Laika (the lucky bastid). He does inspired, edgy cartooning bordering on the grotesque; the characters he draws arrest the attention and make you wonder about the leaping creative mind that can hold that sort of chaos within it, never mind transferring it to a drawing of any sort. He's an incredibly affable fellow, and chatted gladly with my wife about his drawing and his characters. What really drew our attention was the card he was handing out promoting himself and his Life of Craig comic book.
The characters (clip on right) are lined up, impassive, posing against a white background. It reminded us of nothing so much as the lineup of aliens from Barlow's Guide To Extraterrestrials, that legendary book by the equally-legendary Wayne Barlow, whom should need no further introduction round these parts. Can you feel the echoes of Barlow informing this work, even indirectly? We fancy we can. It gives Brett's work extra resonance, because it speaks to us from the same place of fancy. We love it. To see the whole lot, surf on over to the project on Brett's Behance portfolio.
The other (clip, left) is as perfect a piece of whimsy as we've seen in a while. Keep Portland Weird then like to say, endlessly, ad nauseam, round these parts. But when the banner is being paraded down West Burnside Street past Powells by a mastodon-like tusked beastie on stick-y, stilt-y legs, the whole idea of Portland being weird takes on new dimension. Or, just maybe, something's come to town that means Portland will have to up her weird game to the next level. Are we up to it? The passing traffic on Burnside assents by its mere tolerance: we are Portland, and we are awesome. It delighted us so much that The Wife™ bought a lovely print of it, and Brett produces quality-product … it's printed on photo paper and begs to be framed. You can see the whole of this not-so-wee beastie by following this link here.
Brett Carville is a rather affable fellow who lives here in Portland and works at Laika (the lucky bastid). He does inspired, edgy cartooning bordering on the grotesque; the characters he draws arrest the attention and make you wonder about the leaping creative mind that can hold that sort of chaos within it, never mind transferring it to a drawing of any sort. He's an incredibly affable fellow, and chatted gladly with my wife about his drawing and his characters. What really drew our attention was the card he was handing out promoting himself and his Life of Craig comic book.

The last thing was a bit of epicure in from the building. We'd missed Kim Jong Grillin', but +Fifty Licks Ice Cream was still there, and The Wife™ can't say no to a taste of ice cream. But Fifty Licks challenged us. We hadn't gotten on board the artisanal, gourmet ice cream wagon yet … were we ready? We decided to take the plunge with a scoop of Salted Carmelized Honey flavor. A warm, brown color that spoke of summer hillsides, we approached cautiously; the guy who served us educated us on what 'carmelized honey' meant, and I was duly impressed. The taste was divine; we had no reason to be apprehensive. Savory-sweet with notes of burnt sugar and a delightfully bitter-bite finishing note that made me wish that we weren't sharing a scoop.
Any time we get into discussions about flavors like this with people we usually dish a little on the hoard of so-called 'chocoholism' that's swept the country since we can't remember when it started. It's not that we don't think people should like chocolate, but there's so much bad, blah bland chocolate (and if there's any indictment of our current culture, it's that it should have rendered chocolate, one of the boldest tastes out there, bland) out there that everyone seems to go mad over, we sometimes wonder if chocoholism is some kind of pose. Well, the Fifty Licks guy shut us up but good with a taste of a wonderfully complex and nuanced chocolate-fudge concoction that had both notes in a wonderful balance with an almost coffee-like finish.
Those who love good ice cream can go thank whatever gods there be for Chad Draizin and Fifty Licks Ice Cream.
And that's it for now for the Linework 2015 report. Check in next year, when we go both days.
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