22 July 2019

Beach Chair Trio: The Opening Act

3591And here's the first moves on "Beach Chair Trio", the PaintWorks PBN by Darrell Bush.

It's a smaller work, only about 17x11, and the dark and the second dark colors are easier to cover in a single sitting. And even though there is a black to fill in, and a black pot of paint, the black on the card isn't black. It's a combination of color 2 (a red) and color 5 (a green). The result is a dark yet warm purple. The second-dark is a very light blue (color 6) and a darker yet neutralized blue (color 8) resulting in the seafoam swells.


Unknown said...

Hi I'm so sorry to bother you I'm half way doneasier with this picture myself and lost the paper that came with it for the mixing chart. If at all possible and you feEl like being awesome and kind could you please send me a copy of mizing chart I tried to explain mail company etc but no luck my email mail is rghuberjr1014@gmail.com I wish I cou,d do something in return but can just promise to pay it forward thanks you

Unknown said...

Hi I'm so sorry to bother you I'm half way doneasier with this picture myself and lost the paper that came with it for the mixing chart. If at all possible and you feEl like being awesome and kind could you please send me a copy of mizing chart I tried to explain mail company etc but no luck my email mail is rghuberjr1014@gmail.com I wish I cou,d do something in return but can just promise to pay it forward thanks you

Anonymous said...

This is so funny too! I have the same problem. I have had this painting for quite a while and when i went to paint the directions are gone! I cannot find it anywhere. I too would love it if you could email me the directions. I will pay you for your time!! clboonzaayer@gmail.com. I really appreciate this!!