22 June 2021

Studio Cats of 2021


Took a break from posting for a few days because of an incident I am still unpacking an unpleasant event that had happened in SE Portland that involved taking pictures. 

I may comment about that anon, but I don't know. Since this isn't exactly the most popular chronicle of the times, it wouldn't make much difference, I imagine.

So, here's something cheerful, happy, and lovable. A scene from the corner of the studio, the happiest place on earth, with two of the most lovable things on that earth: Tabitha and Ralph.

We have a daylight basement in our house. It stays about 70F all year long, and with a searing heat wave coming up it'll be a place we'll all remain, probably. And those windowsills are a cat's dream. Wide, flat, spacious. 

These two cats are living their best lives in those windows alone. 

Chez ZehnKatzen, where every day is Caturday.

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