02 October 2004

[sundial_life] Die Hauptkatzes' Gesund

The cat photo of The Keeeton that I posted a couple of entries back was of the great cat at the full rush of youth. As I said, he hasn't changed much, just gotten kinda scrawny.

The Wife[tm] took him out into the lawn today, and he perked up quite a bit. She thinks that perhaps one of his problems is that he's bored. He's seen a lot, for a kitty. When she takes him out, he walks all over, looks into things, chews on the grass, and wants to be let into all the cars (she lets him in the VW).

These snaps were taken earlier tonight, in my studio.

Here we have the Top Cat where I can stroke him while at the computer. Yes, he does show his age, but isn't he still cute? He came in from outside, and he hates coming back in when he was having so much fun in the fresh air.

And here we have the Top Cat joined by his own Lieutenant, the one and only Bet-dog. Bet looks like he's watching over his hero but he's really just horning in to get any leftover pets.

He does love his hero though. Walks right up to him and bulldozes him with the top of his head, "Aw, I LOVE you!!!".

The Keeeton still has a few miles on him yet, it would seem.

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