04 March 2012

[logo] Rivergrove, Oregon: The City Of Happy Little Trees

2789If you've never heard of Rivergrove, Oregon, then you're just like almost everyone on Earth, slim. And Rivergrove probably likes it like that.

Rivergrove is a very very small city on the north bank of the Tualatin River and on the border of Clackamas and Washington Counties here in Oregon. It's scarcely a mile long and, at most, four or five blocks wide. It clings to the river and both sides of SW Childs Road; there are three roads in and no roads back out (if you don't count the three roads that took you in, of course). If you use I-5 in the area you might go through it every day, but are only in that town for a heartbeat.

It's obviously a city of neighbors; even the city's website is unofficial and volunteer-supported. And it has a logo, or perhaps a sign, that, in its use of simple forms and Peignot as a font, is so datedly-charming that it's gone full-circle into retro:

Of course, I took one look at those trees, and I made an immediate connection:

It looks like them, don't it? Bob Ross inspired those trees. Had to. 

Rivergrove, Oregon; where happy trees go to retire.

Thank The Wife™ for finding this one. She thought it delightful, and she's right; it is.

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