04 March 2011

[design] Get Out Your Sidewalk Chalk? Dana Tanamachi Is Already There.

2570.Chalk as art?

It's all in the execution.

Turned on to this by Pete Vogel from Nutmegger Workshop, I present the art of New York graphic artist and chalk artist Dana Tanamuchi. You could get out your sidewalk chalk right now and get to work and still have a job of work to do to catch up to this virtuosity:

Dana Tanamachi Sidewalk Chalk Art

This is something that takes discipline, style, attention to detail, love of type and line, and a vision for the bigger picture.

A whole lot more can be seen here:


As tempestuous as my own relationship with some art materials can and has been, it's an inspiration to see someone take something to a level of art that equals poetry. This does. And I would have never thought that chalk could do so very very much. Also I most enjoy the touching back on styles that remind me of engravings from the early 20th-late 19th century. Gorgeous to look at. Very much eye candy.


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