07 June 2020

Our Primary Election Ballots Are Counted At Last

3687It's been a long wait ... a bit too long. I had faith but that faith was being tested.

Covid-19 has caused wholesale changes in everything, and if you doubt that, understand this: our household's ballots were dropped in the drop box out front of the Mighty Midland Brand Library two days before the election day. This is usually more than enough time to have them logged in as recieved before or the day of the election. Usually. This time, not only had election day come and gone but the weekend after that and Multnomah Ballottrax had not recieved word that our ballots had even been accepted. 

Multnomah County Elections are solid. What it caused was for everything to slow down because of the necessity of new regimes of social distancing at work. Wouldn't do at all to have someone come down with Covid just for working the election.

But, today, I checked Ballottrax, and found this:

Mission, accomplished.

Which way did we vote? Why, against evil, of course. And so it goes.

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