26 January 2007

[bloggage] Finally Over To the New Blogger

716 Several posts back, I enthused about how the Blogger upgrade invite had finally showed up on my dashboard. I mentioned I was going over.

When I tried...denied, again, with some vague stuff about one of my blogs not going over but no reason why.

Last night it happened again, but this time, it worked. More than that, it worked sweetly. Keeping in mind the horror stories of those whose transfers had taken hours (or longer) or who has somehow lost their blogs completely, I clicked the link and crossed my fingers.

The transfer happened in less than 5 minutes, and the blog came over absolutely intact. No problems so far. New Blogger? Why yes...I'm soaking in it!

I can't vouch for anyone who hasn't transitioned yet, but for me...smooth as silk, and just about as sweet.


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