09 June 2004


Yep, that's right. School has ended for the year. I am, as a matter of fact a student myself; I am attempting to remake myself into a Graphic Designer. I've finished two years of a three year program - length necessitated by being chained to my current job for 40 hours per week. And there is frustration in the endless attempts to put my career change in the front seat only to have other things force it to the back seat but that's for another post.

Oh, yes, I know about the tech and the software now. I know about Adobe CS versus QuarkXPress. I know about living with a PowerMac G4 (I highly recommend this btw). I know about upgrading to Panther from Jaguar. I know the smugness of knowing that Microsoft ain't got its act together w.r.t Longhorn and the irritation of Steve Jobs making the mispredicition of 3Ghz by June but my 2-brain 1.25 GHz G4 works better than any Wintel I've ever used and seems to work just as fast.

Now I've been designing things for classes long enough that I ache just a little that I have these apps laying dormant on my HD doing nothing for now. I want something to design! I'd almost do it for free.

There is the moving and the grooving that is taking up all the rest of my time. That's also for another post.

I love designing things. Time to take up my own projects if I can't find others I suppose.

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