07 November 2005

[blog] Jeff Fisher's bLog-oMotives

I was extremely pumped to find that one my my heroes, Jeff Fisher, he of Logo-Motives, has not only established a 'blog of his own, but linked to this very own humble 'blog of meselfs!

The blog is bLogo-Motives. The name alone means you should be following it. Seriously. Bookmark it, people. Goes in my links list, of course.


Jeff Fisher LogoMotives said...

Thanks for the introduction and comments!

Samuel John Klein said...

You're very welcome Jeff. It's all sincere. I've admired your work for quite some time; I have all three volumes of The Big Book Of Logos and I've gone and found all of yours.

Seriously, we here in Portland are very fortunate to have some heavy-hitting designers, of whom both you and Pariah are one's I've been blessed to have become acquainted with.

All of you inspire me quite a bit. And your practical talk on how to self-promote is golden.