28 July 2004

Oh, And By The Way

I realize that it's very possible that nobody is reading this. That's okay! Blogs are indeed fun things. I get to hammer out opinion, work on my public voice (I think everyone should pay attention to honing thier own. I really believe that would solve a great deal of civic and civil problems), and get to be able to say that hey, I had a blog too, back when. I was part off that revolution.

The only real drawback so far is that it is putting yet another nail in the coffin of my diary habit. I have kept a written one for years, sporadically (shout out to blank books!). I spend enough time working on this that I don't work on that, and there are other things, too, keeping me from working on that. It is better to have an examined life, but to examine it without exception where everyone can see is much too self-indulgent. We all have important things to say, but not everything we all say is important.

There are some things that should just be kept between me, myself, and I, not because they are deservedly secret or scandalous, but because that's the only place they belong and don't have context or relevance anywhere else.

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