13 February 2009

Cleaning Out A Corner: Before and After

1945.Before ... Something had to go. This corkboard is kind of representative of the doldrums I've been in lately and am still struggling to emerge from:

A lot of that stuff was fun ... the big cow from Aquent, who for some reason thinks I'm an employer looking for staff (rather than the other way round) was a favorite at one time. But sometimes, everything (or almost everything) must go.


That actually makes me feel better. The things I'm keeping up are (upper left) the sticker I got from Weiden and Kennedy after not making the cut in the "Seeking" campaign (I had such high hopes and really tried to pull that one out, but thought that the haiku was a little mocking. I don't think so much now), which remains as a spur; the lower right, a favorite image, the promo image from that amazingly singular movie The Quiet Earth; lower left, a packet of 8 "So Big" Crayola crayons (because, in this world, sometimes you just have to get out what I like to call the big crayon for people).

In the center is a note card designed to be sent, with a single phrase on it. It's inspiration. It contains a quote from the great George Sand, and it goes like this:

It is never too late to be what you might have been

Can't give up, no.

Public PS to Kris @ Rorohiko: I am still working on your project. It is pressing my boundaries more than expected yes. Thank you for believing in me.

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Erik said...

I so need to do this.

Samuel John Klein said...

I commend it to you. It's quite liberating.

pril said...

ooh you have one of those round pen holders (is it the koh-i-noor one?) that I covet.

Samuel John Klein said...

Yeah, it's Koh-I-Noor. It's actually a humidor, did you know?

There's a sponge in the bottom of the thing. Every now and then you put a few drops of water down one of the pen holder holes and it soaks that up, and then the inside of the humidor stays moister than the surrounding environment.

The idea is to reduce pen cloggage because the increased humidity is supposed to prevent the ink from drying and hardening in the nibs.

Since I have been too long away from the drawing, my pens have been dry and they do not need such care.