09 February 2009

The New Pepsi Logo: It Was Probably the HFCS*

1942.Lawrence Yang:

So they recently plastered the Powell BART station in San Francisco with Pepsi ads. Just big posters that say "POP", "HOPE", "SODA", "JOY", etc. All flaunting Pepsi's new lopsided logo.

Being a "drawer", Lawrence couldn't help but interpret it his own way (clicky to go to Lawrence Yang's blog entry, that you may see this embiggenly):

"You'll never look at the Pepsi Logo the same way again", says Lawrence.

"You'll never unsee what you have seen", says me.

* High Fructose Corn Syrup

(h/t to Larry Fire, of course)

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Snowbrush said...

"You'll never unsee what you've seen."

Now, that's clever.

I see that you have three blogs. My hat is off to you; I can barely keep up with one.

Samuel John Klein said...

Now, that's clever.


I see that you have three blogs. My hat is off to you; I can barely keep up with one.

Well, I don't contribute to the others as much as I should.

But I do likes me the writing, yes.

Anonymous said...

Funny, i came across this yesterday too, small....internet?