11 August 2011

[liff] Artisanal Pencil Sharpening: Actually Not From Portland!

2645."Just because something is funny or makes you laugh," says the website, "doesn't mean something isn't real."

David Rees is on a mission. That mission; to bring a craftsman's and artisan's care and skill to the sharpening of a pencil. It works like this: you send David your pencil and pay him $15. He sends it back to you, expertly hand-sharpened, and even sends you back the shavings. 


The service, of course, seems absurd - and is. But it's not, apparently, a joke … David will sharpen that pencil if you send him $15 to do it. 

And you know what else?

If you don't have a pencil, he'll throw one in.

Such a deal.

The website is http://artisanalpencilsharpening.com.


vespabelle said...

David Rees is the guy behind the Get Your War on cartoon. his blog is funny but sporadic: mnftiu.cc (that's for my new fighting technique is unstoppable.)

Samuel John Klein said...

Ahh! I'd wondered where I heard that name before! I always thought that Get Your War On was brilliant.