14 April 2005

[us_politics] It's Law: The Credit Card Companies 0wnz0r You Now

This just in: The "Screw the Working Class"...ehr, sorry...the "Bankruptcy Bill" just passed the House.

Now, creditors can jack up your interest rates because of late fees beyond 30 percent. Now credit card companies can jack up your interest rates because of late payments on your other bills (you didn't know this? Go Google up "universal default" and when it sinks in, get back to me. No, no, on second thought, go get that second job, or curl up in the corner and cry, whatever works for you). And when you get in over your head because you got huge medical bills, you can't find any work, and you're at the end of your rope. you are going to have to go in front a judge who will make you do a means test and most likely force you into a repayment plan, which will amount to being on a debt treadmill for the rest of your life regardless of what you do.

And they can market you incessantly to get even more credit cards so they can get even more hooks in you. However, unlike working class addicts, they get to shift the blame and take no responsiblity.

No more fresh starts for the working guy. They sure loved us when they needed to get into power. Now we are The Enemy.

If you voted GWB, this is what you voted for. How'd'ja like it so far?

The vote in the House: 302 to 176.
73 Democrats voted in favor of business against thier constituents (unless business is thier constituent). Republicans all voted yes; no surprises there.

On the side of the angels and the working class:
  • Blumenauer (good on ya)
  • DeFazio (always solidly on the side of the little guy)

On the side of Democrats voting Republican to cover thier ass, forgetting that, in a race between a Republican and a fake Republican, the Republican will win:
  • Hooley
  • Wu

On the side of Republicans who're screwing thier constituents, who, in this case, are ranchers and farmers who are barely getting by in this tenuous economic climate:
  • Walden

Remember, everyone it's an ownership society. Me, I'm going to find my owner before we get divvied up. I'd rather choose mine than have one choose me.

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