26 April 2005

[net_life] Gmail Marches On

Gmail has been dishonest in their recent advertising, I fear.

Recently it was announced that regular Gmailers were having thier online space doubled. It started as 1000MB (which was inaccurately promoted as 1GB-that's 1024MB, people, ask any real geek). In what was a very fun way of rolling it out, Google increased member's storage day by day, with a live update on the Gmail login page. Before long I was at 2000MB.

Then I was at 2048MB, an actual 2 Gig.

But it hasn't stopped. I'm now at 2,133MB. And it still seems to be going up.

Another thing I don't seem to be running out of are Gmail invites. I tried giving them away to friends, but after I give away a few, Google tops me back up.

I have 50 invites to give out. Anyone who wants one, just follow this posting. If things change, I'll repost on this subject.

PS:There are concerns about privacy and Gmail. Google has responded to them with this prospectus. I have so far used Gmail with no problems.
PPS: Yes, I was one of those who knew that the 21st Century began in 2001 and not 2000, but I held my opinion on that. I didn't want to harsh anyone's vibe.

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