23 April 2014

[liff] In Which I Post About Food, Becuase Homemade Layered Gelatin Parfait

There seems to be a requirement in intarweb culture to post food pictures. I have kept up my end in the cat picture category, well, at least as far as I'm going to, and in case my intarweb card is in danger of getting revoked, I do have food pictures. Just two. Not going crazy here or anything like that.

Additionally, this is the inauguration of a new 8-gig SD card for the camera, so there's that (happy thing).

This is a layered gelatin parfait. Anyone ever hear of Jell-O* 1-2-3? This was a splendid product which you prepared like regular Jell-O, except that when you chilled it, in the fridge it auto-separated into a gelatin layer, a whipped layer, and a very light mousse. 1, 2, 3. If, of course, was freaking delicious, and it was so pretty when it came out of the fridge that you just wanted to look at it a while.

It was a perfect dessert, therefore, it is no longer being made. There are DIY recipes however (go for it, Portland, you DIYtopia you!).

A couple of nights ago, whilst on the job, The Wife™ called to exult upon an achievement. She had said, she said, that she had made Jell-O 1-2-3. Well, not exactly. But she had figured out how to layer a fairly pretty gelatin parfait. And she told me about the process. My mate does a lot of food experimentation, and she's pretty good; even the failures are good eatin'. But she was in the zone when she was describing how this was done, promised a treat for the eyes when I got home.

My eyes were not disappointed.

I have just finished this confection, and I can swear that it tastes as good as it looks. Dessert for breakfast, because I can, dammit.

And here, to round out your ZehnKatzen food experience, is a photo of our beloved 122nd and Stark Burgerville:

I didn't pict our food because, c'mon, I'm letting plenty hang out as it is. It's Burgerville. We had burgers and fries. And they were excellent. I let you know too much more and all of a sudden I'm all up in your bathroom, usin' your toothbrush. I want to remain friends. 

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