21 October 2016

[font] Free Donald Trump Script Font Makes Your Computer Arrogant! Sad!

Well, since it's all Donald Trump all the time, now …

Agent Orange has this way of communicating verbally. He has this way of communicating in writing which perfectly resonates with that. His handwriting is quizzically blocky, squat, rounded, bold, as though someone who only writes when he absolutely has to does but all he likes to use are broad-point markers.

This is not the writing of a man who has any sort of internal dialogue. He doesn't have much in the way of expression, and he leaves it all there on the paper: staccato tempo, writing askew, boldface script making up in for in graphical volume and physical presence what it lacks in informative content.

Most of us can say we write more sophisticatedly than we talk. This is not a problem Donald Trump seems to wrestle with. And, if you can't get enough of the human mass of quirks that is the man who is the GOP offering for President, here's something other than else for you: a free font based on what we've seen of the man's handwriting. It is, as the man, blunt, direct, and uncomplicated.

It's also named TinyHand. Yes, they went there, but then, that's BuzzFeed for you. That's right, BuzzFeed. The thumbnail version of this history: BF wanted to compose a satirical article featuring fictitious-but-totally-believable (though by now it's hard to think of something the man wouldn't say) Trumpian notes for one of the debates. The editor asked one of BF's designers (and a person who also does work for Font Bureau) to scan examples of Hisself's hand written output and create that font. And we did. And like DJT himself, it's probably never going away:

Actually, it has some appeal to it. The pent-up furiosity, a sort of ersatz anger, kind of drips from it. It's artless, but in a way, it's artful because of it. It is, indeed the handwriting of a man who has little else to say but the obvious, and say it with a punch!

I loaded it on my computer and instantly, it copped an attitude:

This may be more trouble than I anticipated.

Well, at least there's little, if any follow through.

And so it goes.

For your enlightenment: The article at FastCoDesign announcing the font, and a direct link to the Dropbox so you can download it. If the Dropbox link doesn't work, then just go to the FastCoDesign article and there should be a link there.

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