27 January 2007

[bloggage] A New Day With The New Blogger

720 There are, so far, quite a few things to like about New Blogger.

The most important thing is the speed. It seems noticeably faster...no more of the rotating "throbber", it simply sucks things up and–bingo–it's done.

The next thing is the post Label. When I started putting the bracketed "faux tags" (like [bloggage] in front of this one's title) on the idea was to make it searchable by subject matter. The blog search has not always rendered the results I've wanted, but I kept doing it because I liked the look. I don't see myself ending it soon...it's part of the 'blog's character, the Elements of ZehnKatzen Style.

But now the label really returns some searching power.

The Create Post interface is neat–works the way it always has, with the goodies cleverly designed in.

What I do not look forward to is transitioning this template to New Blogger standard. It means lifting all the personalization from the current and placing it into your New Blogger Basic Minima Black. Typing HTML is, of course, a pain...but that's why Dreamweaver exists.

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