09 January 2007

[design] Toot Toot!:My 2nd Article for CreativePro.com

709 It certainly don't hurt to see your name in print, virtual though it may be: CreativePro.com has published a second how-to article from me. The topic is a QuarkXPress function I am quite fond of: Text To Box.

I like Text To Box (Menu Bar>Style>Text to Box) because it lets you have such fun with text in QXP, where text can be styled ad nauseum but is immutable and indivisible, like the classical atom or a dormitory meatball. With Text to Box, though, you can fill text with pix, stroke it with any stroke you can come up with, fill with color and gradient. You can get really silly if you want and Text To Box makes it all very easy actually.

I hit the high points, though, but you be the judge: read my nifty little article!

(Thanks of course to CreativePro.com for having the entirely effable good taste in putting my articles up to begin with!)

(NB: Toot Toot! borrowed from Jeff Fisher, who reminds us that if we don't toot our own horn, nobody else will)

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