09 May 2011

[art] A Fantasy Diary Girl

2619.Well, not really some fantasy-dream-girl, but a girl's face and head drawn from a how-to book, Christopher Hart's Figure It Out!:

Hart Girl

The book, Figure It Out!, is, as said, one in the nigh-indefatigable Hart's line of how to draw and cartoon books. I swear, half the art-how-to bookage in the world has to have been produced by Mr. Hart … prolific seems such a quaint word when it comes to his output.

Most of it doesn't work too well for me … there's something formulaic, urelenting about them. But if you must buy a Hart book, this is one this is the one. Goes over figure drawing in a friendly, followable way. Which is worth its weight in gold.

And I'll be going over some of the exercises in the book and copying out drawings, to keep my newly-rediscovered chops developing.

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