01 September 2011

[pdx] The Martians Have Landed At SE 32nd And Taylor

2681.The big castle-shaped church at 32nd and SE Taylor has a new and well-known tenant.

I first assayed it in this post, in which we found that the church - which had appeared inactive - was apparently claimed by Pastor Melissa Scott, the successor to the mantle of her late husband, the inimitable, amusing, bemusing Pastor Dr Gene Scott, perhaps the most unique televangelist the US has brought up in the last fifty years. Many were louder than him, but none more entertaining. I don't care who your pastor is, when it comes to sheer entertainment, they still labor in his shadow.

Anyway, after a comment on the older post the news broke … the colossal (and growing) Mars Hill Church, from Seattle, is coming to town, and prayer (and, no doubt, some savvy real-estate buying) got them what was the Portland branch of the comparatively moribund Scott empire.

It's very near the corner of SE Hawthorne and César E Chávez Boulevards, near a area full of, well, liberal stuff. An international youth hostel that has a bio-roof; several "world crafts" stores that sell smoking paraphernalia; a New Seasons supermarket; a New-Age apothecary where tarot readings are available; a major street recently-renamed after a left-wing political figure; and, on Friday and Saturday nights, about eight hundred thousand drunk hipsters, clubbers, and type-A personalities.

I still didn't understand why God would direct the Martians to this part of the Sunnyside neighborhood, but then I realized … the Bagdad must have played Avatar once. That must have been the last straw.

I was reviewing what the Pastor, Mark Driscoll, appears to believe. With any due respect, I shan't be joining the Martians anytime soon. I certainly wish them no ill will, and would like to remind them that their about-to-be-new neighbors are, typically, very tolerant of lifestyle choices. 

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