20 July 2009

Yu Wan Mei: Fish Time Is Success Time

2158.With the economy and the world the way it is, it's good to know that one company has proven itself to to have the insight and long view to monetize the salvage fishery sector for the betterment of all. That company: Yu Wan Mei:

Yu Wan Mei Amalgamated Salvage Fisheries and Polymer Injection Group is dedicated to harvesting the ocean’s great aquatic bounty to bring residual fish and fish-related nourishment and substances to honorable consumers across the globe. Through research and care, Yu Wan Mei has developed expertise in a number of the latest fish-extraction techniques, pleasing all who consume its line of healthful, pleasing products. Laborers and machines work in harmony at Yu Wan Mei, ensuring unparalleled achievement in all possible arenas.

This is why SATISFACTION is synonymous with YU WAN MEI
What sorts of helpful, healthful, pleasing products will you consume that will contribute to your robustness? Well, how about:

  • Gel Made with all ingredients, this gel is perfect for any occasion. Child and adult enjoy it equally, sometimes, as do even pets! If you need gel, buy this gel.
  • Yu Wan Mei Device The device has been completed and is now available for sale. Code 41-Virtue-00B
  • Yu Wan Mei Miscellaneous Flavor Paste Any meal or food can be a better meal with the magic touch of the Miscellaneous Flavor Paste spread on it! It is strongly recommended that you buy two, because of the compelling power of this product.
How can you resist? I know I can't!

Fish time is Success Time! And I, for one, welcome our new fish by-product masters.

Man, I tell you, this stuff is just like reading The Onion.

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