29 October 2004

[sundial_life] Notes From The Fray

  • We haven't voted yet. We also haven't been plagued with all those campaign workers we're s'posed to be plagued with. We know pretty much who and what, we just haven't gotten our number twos out to do the job.
  • I was going to come up with this snarky little 'heres how you should think' posting, but I've decided I'm not gonna. Too much opinion, too little time, not enough writing ability.
  • However, I'm not voting for Bush. If he can't figure it out after four years, another four years isn't going to do it for him either.
  • The i.v. medcines from Kaiser have been gone through, and now I'm on Keflex (its generic version, actually–cephalexin) orally, qid. The leg still looks a fright, but much less of a fright.
  • Am most of the way through the last novel in Stephen King's The Dark Tower (Book VII-The Dark Tower). It's a good read. I count myself as a Constant Reader. It's been worth the wait, especially the statement King seems to be making about his art with respect to what happens to him in the outside world, and most specifically the roadside accident in 1999 that nearly ended his life. It's almost as though he's working it out through the story. The surprising thing is, that it's working. We also lose two major characters in the story before feet are set on the last leg to the Tower. I won't spoil it here, except to say that the ka-tet will be broken. Bastard made it so that even if you expect it, you won't expect who, and it will surprise you when.
  • Formulating a plan on catching up on the art school-work; I have to complete a watercolor and make a new one before Monday, and on Monday I will have some sort of discussion with the life-drawing teacher.

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