01 October 2004

[us_politics] The Really Truly Last Word On The Debate

I'm listening to Air America right now, Randi Rhodes is tearing things up as is her usual wont. She's always a great listen.

Particularly now she's going over the overwhelmingly positive response to the Kerry peroformance in Debatetopia I. So far the best non-spin non-campaign Republican review of the Presidents effort amounts to damning with faint praise.

Around The Company Which Must Not Be Named, even the committed Bush voters amongst my cow-orkers actually conceded that Kerry made some good points and they were cutting him respect.

And yes, I know historically that the winner of the first round doesn't necessarily take the election (I am one of the blue voters that will never get over Gore's collegiate loss). But it's gratifying to hear the feedback being similar to my perceptions. Being right may be overrated, but it's very satisfying.

Of course, I knew our guy had won when Kerry guessed closer to the amount of his showcase than Bush did, and won them both.

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