29 April 2008

[design_tools] Easter Egg Report: Taste The Rainbow with InDesign CS3

1523. The credit for this one must be given to South Pasadena CA-based Kathleen McGuinness, who you can visit at http://www.mcgraphics.com.

InDesign Easter Egg StrokesI had trouble finding InDesign CS3's easter eggs, but she's come up with a good one. It involves strokes, with five cool and funny designs you can reveal just by creating the correct names in the New Strokes dialog (from the left in the illustration):

  1. Feet

  2. Happy

  3. Lights

  4. Woof

  5. Rainbow

When creating the Rainbow style be sure to use the dropdown to create it as a stripe, not as a dash.

(NB: "Taste The Rainbow" just so happened to be an easter egg in QuarkXPress, where if you created a new stroke style and called it "taste the rainbow", you got a rainbow stroke.)

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