2112.If we needed any more proof that the Multnomah County Library is the best damn library anywhere, check out the kind of good deed they do.
Around our house we check out a hell of a lot of books. We were working the MultCoLib for budget entertainment
long before you staycationers and recession-victims figured out you could get a night of DVD entertainment for nothing there. The Libe is, without a doubt, one of the bestest places in the universe and rightfully a pride of Metro Portland.
Since we check out a metric tail-load of books from there, sometimes we use whatever's to had for bookmarks; napkins, flattened straws … even paycheck stubs in envelopes.
Recently I returned a stack, not knowing that i'd left a paystub in there (not to worry, we have direct-deposit; the funds represented by that slip of paper were, at that point, safe and sound). Time elapses. Last night, we go to the mailbox (the actual one on the street) and retrieve what looks like mail to me from … my workplace of all places. And it looks like a paystub envelope.
Puzzlemente! But when we turn the envelope over, we see this:
If it's hard to read, it says
"You left this in a library book: Color Graphics. Have a Great Summer".
The way I figure it, it was most likely a library employee who caught it, in as much as it was returned with a Pitney Bowes postal meter stamp. There's a chance it could have been a private party, but the postal meter stamp argues against it. It was neatly sealed across the top with cellotape (thankfully I use a pocket knife to open my correspondence)
Not only did the Multnomah County Library return to me a potentially vital piece of personal documentation, they potentially saved this household from the scourge of ID theft. All because some Library worker, wanting to anonymously do the right thing, did so.
Multnomah County Library; you want any tax increase, any at all, you got my "yes" vote
in perpetuity for restoring a little of my bruised, jaundiced faith in humanity. I also remember I need to go put a book or two on hold.
Thank you, MultCoLib!
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Multnomah County Library,
Good Deeds,
Good News,