09 September 2020

Darkness In Daytime: The Yaquina Bay Bridge


Here's another view. this one courtesy of Jamie Neal, a member of the Facebook group "Lost In Oregon".

Before I show this one off, it certainly bears mentioning the profoundly dense nature of the wildfire-generated canopy over parts of northwestern Oregon. Smoke from the Beachie Creek and Lionshead fires have been pushed west over Salem and points west and south, as far as Eugene and over to the coast. Also there are now a couple of fires in the Coast Range to contend with, all pumping thick smoke into the region.

The scenes we've seen today via those staccato signals of constant information call to mind the scenes in eastern Washington after Mount Saint Helens erupted: dusk came well before sunset to Salem, and it looked as dark as midnight by 7 PM.

This picture is of the Yaquina Bay Bridge at Newport, on the coast, so if one's even the least bit familiar with Oregon geography, one will know that this is a heck of a long way from the Cascades. But, yesterday afternoon, Newport's iconic bridge seemed to be on another planet.

 It's rather like sunset on Mars during a dust storm.

So that goes, and thank you Jamie for allowing me to post your photo.

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