16 December 2004

[blog_life] Blog Worth A Look

Casting about for something to read whilst waiting on the Adobe InDesignCS point update to download (and at 16MB over a dialup link you know I've the time..after this I'm going to start cleaning up the garage), I hit upon the blog of a local who posts under the psuedonym Reformed Pope. It's called City Business Church and it is a rather irreverent report on the goings-on over at the City Bible Church, that huge salvic complex with the twin domes on the north flank of Rocky Butte. You can see it from I-205, best view is in the southbound lanes, coming from the airport.

This is a blog worth reading, IMO. I'm putting it in my links.

I was even moved to leave a comment. Blogger sucked it up and sent it on.

The next screen told me, in big black letters, Your Comment Has Been Saved.

God does move in mysterious ways.

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