06 March 2008

[ad_design] New OryCon 30 Ad for GameStorm 10

1405. The newest OryCon ad:

The production was polished a bit more because the OryCon 30 website has been spiffed up a bit more, so the "line-printer" sheet graphic seemed, while witty, a bit out of step. I believe that ad design for events like this should put forward some of the style and mode that the online presence does, if it leads the way, as it did here.

But I did feel that a more sophisticated font than Helvetica was called for (I don't think this is a flaw in the design of the website; indeed, it's a smart thing to design a website that has such broad appeal with Helvetica; it gets the job done and most importantly, not everyone has Gill Sans. Moreover, if you design with a font everyone is likely to have, then your website will flow and behave for most everyone the way it does for you). So I went with the Gill Sans, which has a certain "past's view for the future" feel to it.

The graphic at the top was used to tie in solidly with the OryCon web presentation. The SkyLab photo was used because, as an earlier edit had it, SkyLab was contemporary with the first OryCon, of which remembrance was part of the point.

By the way: OryCon (as well as GameStorm) contain some of the best fun you can have with your clothes on. Seriously.

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