30 March 2008

[net_life] ArtBistro: It's a Big, Fun Game

1455. A few missives back I described how I was starting to play on ArtBistro (artbistro.com) after having a login there for a while. It might be turning into a habit.

ArtBistro is actually very clever about getting people involved in community there. You get points for playing. It's kind of a game.

There are a lot of ways that you can take part. It's a place that you can post your work to be seen, and there's a lot of value in that. But it's also a place that rewards active members for providing content and helping build community.

You get points for doing things; uploading videos, contributing news, contributing commentary on other artists' work, starting discussions, building your online profile. The verbiage at the site promises eventual real rewards (increased reputation and status begins to pay off in receiving materials for review, moderation privileges, and suchwhat).

But the idea of having feedback on my involvement is better than getting any tangible reward for it. I always get a sort of charge from finding out how much of the common weal I've contributed to.

Well, in short, it's fun anyway.

And, hey, I did start a group on ArtBistro for PDX Graphic Designers. Come by and check me out if you want.

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