03 June 2021

A Welcome-Back From The Mighty Mighty Midland Branch of the Multnomah County Library


Evolution toward a post-pandemic level of open society continues. The Multnomah County Library system has initiated what the call Stage One Reopening.

In April of 2020 we were habituating the Gresham branch due to Mighty Mighty Midland's temporary closure due to a bit of rearranging and re-doing of the interior. Just as that temporary closure was set to expire, the Covid-19 pandemic roared in ... and all library branches were physically closed, indefinitely. 

That was fourteen months ago. And, since then, MultCoLib has gone through some evolutions of its own: the ending of overdue fines (we approve), the institution of a contactless hold pickup protocol (we also approve), and the shuffling about and reduction of staff (we do not approve and are still sorting out our feelings about this). 

However. On 2 June, 2021, Stage One reopening in in effect. For the first time, in over a year, we could go in to the library, our heart we love so fondly. Stage One, for what its worth, is basically this: a limited number of people can be in the building at a time (at this time, Midland's limited to an occupancy of less than ten), and you can browse for up to thirty minutes, or stay up to an hour if you want to use tech, such as Wi-Fi or the branch's Chromebooks (the computer stations are not in service as of yet).

I have some more pix, which I'll share in a subsequent episode. But, for now, enjoy this banner, and the heartstrings, it tugs upon them.

The banner is sincere. The feeling is decidedly mutual. 

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