01 June 2021

The Ross of Ross Island


In the Willamette River about two miles south of downtown Portland is a place where the river widens to about 4/5ths of a mile across, and in this widening is a bit of land that looks like a lobster's claw. 

It is what remains of two islands that were mined TF out over a period of years by the Ross Island Sand and Gravel Company, an era which finally ended about five years ago. This horseshoe, the left half of it, is what remains of Ross Island, named for an early colonial settler.

At the east end of its namesake bridge, there is a plaque installed that tells you about him. 

The island on the left, Hardtack Island, could be named because its position might cause boats passing the islands on the east to turn really decisively, but I prefer to imaging that Sherry Ross liked hardtack a lot. 

Hey, he got to and from his property by boat. It could have happened!

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