27 September 2004

[blog_life] Shout Out To Linkers!

I discovered, as I'm sure many do when they start blogging, that they are being traded over on blogshares.com.

Well, I am, but it's not like I'm a growth stock. You can have me for B$0.83/share. I'm cheap.

Anyway, blogshares is a good way to find out who's linking to you. People will link to you for whatever reason and not always tell you. I found out I have two linkers who have entertaining blogs that are cool and fun to read and make me think.

One is pontifications:snippets from a homopoliticogeek, which is an example of one of the more interesting neologisms I've seen lately.

The other is Clever Title Goes Here. Deep, thoughtful, yet delightful.

I recommend them as reading, of course.

Rock-rock on, guys!

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