07 September 2004

...now I Want a Gmail Invite

What is it about Gmail invites?

You can't get one, you have to be in the right place at the right time. And this is a free Web mail service. Moreover it's reputation is not uncheckered, with privacy concerns (Google is apparently not completely assuring people that it won't archive your email indefinitely and give it to whoever asks for it). Also, the contextual-ad thing is just a little creepy.

So, why do I want one? I don't like people looking over my shoulder that way, and I don't break the law, and I resent "The Man" looking over my shoulder trying to catch me breaking the law when I have no intention to do so (I feel that red-light cameras at intersections are wrong because they turn everyone into suspects even if they never do anything wrong, but that's another program).

But I still want a Gmail invite. Maybe it's the buzz.

Who was it who said "You can't fight fashion"?

Something to think about.

PS:This posting is not specifically to fish for an invite, but if anyone sends one my way, I very well may use it. If I don't I'll be certain to pass it on. (How dearly ambvialent, hey?)

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