28 December 2013

[art] New "Mewse" Spotted In Studio … on Caturday

I don't make a habit of Caturday posts, but if I did, this would be one of them.

I'm going to cast 2014, the 'year' being the human artifact and overlay on the natural world that it is, as an 'art-healing' time. I have only the barest of inklings as to what that means, but I've a sense, and some years I get very little right, but I've never failed if I find something happy like that and just rolled with it.

So, art-healing it is.

We have a recent addition to the cat company at home base; we rescued her a couple of years back. She started out very anti-social but has warmed considerably.

Encouragingly, she has condescended (trust me on this … as all of us cat-people know, cats, by default, consider themselves a higher form of life, but this girl walks and talks it) to share time in what I call my studio space with me. More often than not she'll be circling my chair while I'm diarizing or writing blog postings.

She started out as an aloof Ice Princess, and is still standoffish in most of the rest of the house … but in the studio, she's one cool kitten.

Allow me to introduce KiKi.

She also disdains the paparazzo, which, in case you didn't know, is the singular of paparazzi, which by the ending -o, would be male, in this case, would be me.

Just one more purrson I'll disappoint if I don't get off my artistic assets, already.

Which reminds, we'll be going to I've Been Framed today. Since my work sked has been rejiggered, we don't get round to there nearly  enough.

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