28 January 2008

[ad_design] No, This Is What Allergy Congestion Can Feel Like ...

1293. So I was cruising the intermets for pr0n for graphic design job-search resources and came up on this little banner ad for Claritin:


I was intrigued. I know what allergy congestion can feel like; a whirlpool does not really come to mind. But then I thought ... hey, think outside the box here, Klein. If the feeling of allergy congestion can be equated to something so abstract as to leave me scratching my head, what else could I come up with?


Nuts and bolts? Why not? Or, how about ...


Cumlonimmbis Cumulownimbuds CumulonumbnutsThunderstorms? Nah, too obvious. Whatever else abstraction could we come up with. Could allergy congestion feel like ...


Paisley printed corduroy? Actually, make a note of that one. I'll bet it's not far off. Actually, the last time I had stuffed sinuses, the feeling was similar to ...


... the feeling I had after watching an episode of Lost. I just can't get the appeal of that show. But if I'm going to compare allergy congestion to a TV show, lets do it right ...


... and compare it to a Season Two episode of Space:1999 (a/k/a, "The Season Where The Women Constantly Scream"). Oh, wait, I've got it ... with the mind so much on politics lately, this has got to be it:


Yes. Mitt Romney giving a speech. That's it. It's settled. Allergy congestion feels like watching Mitts give a speech.

Don't question it!

That's it right there!

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